Project CLEAR: Choosing Life! Empowerment! Action! Results!


Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results! (CLEAR) is an evidence-based, health promotion intervention for males and females ages 16 and older with HIV/ high risk negative . CLEAR is a client-centered program delivered one-on-one using cognitive-behavioral techniques to change behavior.


CLEAR: Choosing Life: Empowerment! Action! Results! (CLEAR) enables prevention counselors to individually tailor the intervention to address the unique needs of each client and provides clients with the skills necessary to be able to make healthy choices for their lives. CLEAR consists of five core skill sessions, 21 menu sessions, and a wrap-up session. The core skill sessions teach the essential cognitive and behavioral skills of the program. Within these core skill sessions, clients develop a personal life goal and an individual prevention plan which directs the focus and selection of subsequent menu sessions. The final wrap-up session addresses the maintenance of behavior changes made in the program.

Intervention Goal

  • To help clients maintain health, reduce transmission of HIV and other STDs, and improve their quality of life.

Intervention Core Elements

Page last reviewed: June 5, 2020